Prayer Request Written On A Paper Is Not Prayer – Dr Abel Damina

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“Prayer request written on a paper is not prayer, God doesn’t read letters, God doesn’t read letters.

If God were to be reading letters, there will be no need to pray. He would have said, and when you sit down email me a letter. But he said, when you pray say, not write”.

“He didn’t say when you pray write. God doesn’t read letters so when you are busy writing prayer request to pastors and they heap the prayer request on top of the table and they are praying, God is not reading any of those Prayer request.

So if the people praying those prayer request really want to do the right thing, they are supposed to read each of them one by one and pray directly on each one , one by one. Not dump them on the table and be praying on the table”.

“He said praying always with all prayer and supplication for all saints. So even when we pray for saints, we pray saying not reading.

There are alot of unapostolic practices going down or going on in Christianity that are not scriptural”.

When you pray, say. The disciples of Jesus came to Jesus himself and said, teach us to pray.

Jesus said, when you stand praying, say. So if you are not saying, you are not praying. He didn’t say when you stand praying, write. He said say.

”If anybody could have written, it’s Jesus that should have been writing or they should have been writing letters to Jesus but there was no such practice”.

Is there anything wrong with writing letters? Nothing is wrong with writing letters but that is not a prayer”.

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