Mobile Policeman Shot Dead In Delta

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< 1 min read

A mobile policeman was on Friday afternoon, shot dead in Effurun, Uvwie Council Area of Delta State.  His rifle was also carted away by the arms-wielding hoodlums.

GIOTV learned that the incident occurred at about 2:30 p.m along the popular Jakpa Road.

Details surrounding the incident were still sketchy at the time of filing this report.

It was gathered that the deceased was detailed to an unidentified man who had stopped by a shop along the road to purchase some items.

The hoodlums were said to have zoomed to the spot in a vehicle, shot him multiple times, and made certain that he was dead before driving away with his gun.

At least five mobile policemen have been killed and their arms carted away within the past two months, in the state.

When contacted, the Police Public Relations Officer, DSP Onome Onovwakpoyeya, confirmed the incident, but could not give details about the deceased officer.

“It is true. I don’t have any information but the truth is that a mobile policeman was killed along Jakpa Road. But his details, where he is attached to, I don’t have for now,” the PPRO said.

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