It’s Not About Numbers, It’s About Strategic Placements – Bishop Mensa Otabil

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Ghanaian Bishop Mensa Otabil has said that numbers in big stadiums is not the measurements of true worshipers.



According to the bishop, people spend hours in big gatherings praying and asking for nonsensical request from God.

He said, it’s not about numbers, it’s about strategic placement. You can have ten people rule over a thousand people.

It’s not so much about how many people fill our stadiums. All of us have meetings where stadiums are filled. I fill big stadiums, but then you ask yourself, what kind of bodies are these. Because the church in Africa has become need based and has very little strategic intend.

People come to church because they need a personal breakthrough, they want God to give them a husband, or a wife, they want God to kill their enemies.

I mean, we have the numbers but check the things we pray about. Very little strategy so the numbers are not converted into power and until the church in Africa moves away from need based Ministry, we will mass up numbers but very small groups of people will control us.

Is it easy to do it? No. Because the people are need based and if they come to you and you don’t pray for them about killing their enemy and they finding whatever they are looking for, they go to the next person who will do that for them so eventually we are massing up numbers.

We pray about mondane issues, we pray about silly prayer topics, some of them are not even biblical but we spend hours in big gatherings praying nonsensical prayers.

It is said that the churches in Africa is prayerful. I don’t think so, I don’t believe so. I don’t really think the churches in Africa is prayerful.

The only way you can tell a people are prayerful is when they become intercessors.

When they are not praying for themselves but praying for other people, then you say they are prayerful. But people who are always, Lord do this for me, Lord do this for me, Lord kill my enemy, break their legs, break their jaws, that’s not prayerful, that is African witchcraft.


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