IPOB Begs United Nations, African Union, Others To Intervene As Nnamdi Kanu’s Health Worsens In Detention

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The Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) has called on the United Nations, the African Union, the European Union, and the Economic Community of West African States to defend its leader, Nnamdi Kanu, who has been in the custody of the Department of State Services (DSS).

According to a statement obtained by SaharaReporters on Wednesday, the group’s spokesperson, Emma Powerful, the IPOB leader’s health has deteriorated.

It urged human rights organizations to rise in his defense.

The secessionist group criticized the Nigerian government and operatives of the DSS, who have refused Kanu to have access to his medical doctors.

“We the global family of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), ably led by our great leader, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, wishes to alert the world and men of good conscience about the deteriorating health condition of our Leader Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, who has been in detention at the Department of State Services, (DSS) dungeon since his illegal abduction in Kenya and criminal repatriation to Nigeria.

“Every attempt by his physicians to gain access to him has been rebuffed by the DSS, thereby worsening his health condition,” the statement reads in part.

IPOB reiterated that Kanu was tortured for eight days by the Kenyan security operatives before being handed over to their Nigerian counterparts, who have continued to brutalize him.

“We are alerting the world about this anomaly to compel the Nigerian government to grant our leader’s doctors access to see him for a thorough medical examination bearing in mind the terrible torture he underwent for eight days (8) at the hands of the Kenyan security agents.

“We wish to unequivocally state that no harm should befall our leader as the consequences can only be better imagined. This is not a threat but a promise! Nigeria has been wining and dining with bandits and terrorists but dehumanizing and killing peaceful agitators and freedom fighters.

“We urge human rights organizations, UN, AU, EU, ECOWAS, and other relevant organizations across the globe to rise in defense of justice and compel the Nigeria government and her compromised security agencies to grant our leader’s doctors unfettered access to him. Our Leader must not die in DSS custody, neither should he suffer any serious health complications,” the statement continues.

In the statement titled, ‘IPOB Raises Concern Over Leader’s Health,’ the group stated Kanu had not committed any crime against Nigeria and Kenya, which have persistently abused his human rights.

“Our Leader Mazi Nnamdi Kanu has not committed any crime against Nigerian or Kenyan government to warrant being treated as a criminal. Human rights organizations and men and women of good conscience across the world should not watch idly while the wicked Nigerian security agents are dehumanizing our leader.

“Our leader’s fundamental human rights have been grossly violated by the Nigerian government and Kenya government and continue to be violated with each passing day under the illegal custody of the DSS.

“Mazi Nnamdi Kanu must be released to enable him to undergo a proper medical examination, having gone through the most horrendous inhumane treatment and torture at the hands of the Kenyan security agents,” the statement adds.

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